Sunday, March 1, 2015

this week

This week is the one of the most unforgettable experience that I have encountered.  First we are too busy practicing for or incoming variety show last Saturday evening. But we are not able to perform that night because of the cut off time and some of the performances did not follow the limit timed. And we are the last performers; I can say that it is so unfair to us as a student because we did our best, our very best just for that day we spent so much time for those events, even if we are so tired and so sleepy we still need to fight just to perfect our presentation. But this day in our bowling activities I am so enjoy with my friends because we have time to go where we want to go. Enjoy ourselves to forget what happened last night.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 1, 2015

Have a great week! This week is full of practices, and tasks. We develop unity in every task that we practice; we also gain happiness and good memories to each other. I observed that we need to develop equality in every subject. I also know my result some of my subjects, not so bad result and I felt contented of it. Today, I go to the church together with my family, and that is the good capture of my week.  

Sunday, January 25, 2015


Examination week! I can say that this week is one of my stressful weeks because it is our midterm examination. I need to study every night, because we have a long coverage in every subject. I need to passed this examination because I got low score last examination, I need to recover those things. I develop more self-confidence, and patience to read long paragraph. Even if I am not feeling good this week, I need to freshen up my mind to remember all those things that I have studied. Some of my teacher postponed the examination, so we still have examination next week. For those examinations that got postponed, I have time to mingle with my friends, classmates, and especially to my family. Those entire things I do are for my family to make them proud and to make them feel that all those things that they do to me are worth it! Those persons that became part of my life especially to those persons who is true to me, they bring an everlasting happiness even how hard the situation is. They are my strength, because of their support and care that they show to me. J J

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Another Week!

 I can say that this week is slightly heavy week. I need to go school even if I am not feeling good, because next week will be our midterm examination.  I always read my books every evening before I go to sleep there are some lessons especially when it talks about our major subjects that I cannot understand,  the reason why I need to use technology to research those things. There is always temptation when it comes to technology, but even if I am a busy person I still have time to my friends and most especially with God. I always pray that he will always in my side during my examination, he will guide me, and he will not let me cheat. Because I know that temptation is always present. I believe that with his guidance I can answer all those difficult questions. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015


Hello 2015! I do not believe in New Year’s resolution. I just believe in the action that I do. For my first week of 2015 I get so tired to wake up early and to prepare my food. I felt the happiness  for my first day of my class to see my friends , not  knowing that there is  new tasks are coming and new requirements to  be accomplished with . In the first week, new responsibilities travelled especially in school. I get so nervous because we are in the middle of the battle. For my first week I felt the heaviness of topics in every subject. But then, I learned something. All that I need is support from my family, self confidence and more energy so that I can fight my sleeping habits especially in the middle of discussion.

hello 2015

My memorable experience during vacation is that when the time that I was confined to the hospital for the first time of my life. And I woke up with oxygen for almost two days. Because of my pharyngitis, urinary tract infection and my heart beat did not function well. I stayed almost 1 week in the hospital, I always pursue myself to look good everytime my doctor visit in my room. So that she will allows me to discharge before Christmas. Because they were saying that it is not good to spent Christmas in the hospital. Thanks God, because the day before Christmas, my doctor allow me to go home. But I need to rest and I need to be aware to the food that I ate.

My family do not have enough time to prepare like cooking foods for the birthday of Jesus Christ, only we do was go to church and thank God for all the good and bad things that we have been encounter in our life. We also asked him more guidance and blessings that he must shower upon us.  After all, struggles that I have been experience even the worst one, I still thanks to God that he guides me to my obstacles in life. I know that he would not give me problems like that I cannot surpass.

Before the year end and New Year is coming, I helped my parents prepare foods for the coming year. We buy some fireworks and some firecrackers. As a tradition we go to the church together and pray. We also thanks God for the another year to spent with.

Sunday, December 14, 2014


A pleasant evening! This week has been a very pressured week because it is our first quarterly exam. The exam was quite different but I know that I was able to answer it with the best that I could give. I am excited with the Christmas vacation, but it is not yet over because I still have 1 major subject and I need to study harder. Last Saturday, I went to a party with my family and I enjoyed it very much talking and drinking alcoholic drinks with them.And I was totally drunk but despite of that I was still able to manage myself. Even though it's been a tough week, I am still thankful to God that he has given me another week to enjoy and prosper life.