Sunday, January 25, 2015


Examination week! I can say that this week is one of my stressful weeks because it is our midterm examination. I need to study every night, because we have a long coverage in every subject. I need to passed this examination because I got low score last examination, I need to recover those things. I develop more self-confidence, and patience to read long paragraph. Even if I am not feeling good this week, I need to freshen up my mind to remember all those things that I have studied. Some of my teacher postponed the examination, so we still have examination next week. For those examinations that got postponed, I have time to mingle with my friends, classmates, and especially to my family. Those entire things I do are for my family to make them proud and to make them feel that all those things that they do to me are worth it! Those persons that became part of my life especially to those persons who is true to me, they bring an everlasting happiness even how hard the situation is. They are my strength, because of their support and care that they show to me. J J

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